Welcome! We are excited to share with you how to set up CoLink. In this tutorial, you will learn how to:
Ubuntu 20.04
<aside> 💡 We use Ubuntu as an example in this tutorial, and you can use other OS as well.
(optional) Public IPv4 Address: To make your server accessible to the public, you need a public IPv4 address so that it can be automatically maintained in our official registry.
(optional) Domain name and TLS certificate: To enable TLS and encrypt the communication, you need a domain name pointing to your server and get a TLS certificate from CA.
bash -c "$(curl -fsSL <https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CoLearn-Dev/colinkctl/main/install_colink.sh>)"
<aside> 💡 We only recommend you use this command to install CoLink on a clean Ubuntu system. If you need more customization or try to install CoLink on other OSs, please follow the instructions below.
To customize the installation, instead of the one command above, one can manually install dependencies, download and start a CoLink server.
The CoLink server depends on RabbitMQ for bi-directional communication, if you don't have a RabbitMq server, please follow this section to install one.
For Ubuntu/Debian, use the following commands to install the RabbitMQ server and enable the management plugin.
sudo apt update
sudo apt install rabbitmq-server -y
sudo rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management
sudo service rabbitmq-server restart
For other OS, please refer to official documents below.